

Bittersweet Chocolate (without the chocolate)... 

Hey hey hey!

You're actually back to read my blog. Woohoo! I know that as blogs go...I've kind of been asleep at the switch, but cut me some slack...

All aboard the emotional roller coaster! Those readers who may be pregnant or have existing heart / back conditions may wish to sit this one out...

- Papa passed on November 3rd.
- Kerry and Seth celebrated their 2 year wedding anniversary on November 5th.
- We buried Papa on the 8th and 9th in Chicago. My family permitted me the honor of bawling my way through the eulogy.
- We headed to St. Louis and welcomed Seth's brother home from Iraq on November 9th and 10th. Plus we toured the brewery and watched the Illini whoop some Ohio State Buckass!
- Today...November 12th...is my 26th birthday.

Hold up a second...

Did I just say I was 26?

Holy. Shit.

With everything else happening, I completely forgot that 30 was sneaking up on me.

China's richest person is a 26-year old woman.

Which makes me think, "damn...where did I go wrong here? I'm not even the richest person in my condo. I don't exactly 'make it rain' if you know what I mean."

On the other hand...

Britney and Paris are also 26 (well...Britney is actually a month younger than me).

Which makes me think, "damn...how have I managed to keep my yoo-hoo a secret from the world for all these years?"

Note: I'm using "yoo-hoo" as a euphemism for uh...well...uh...something that's not exactly a chocolate-flavored beverage.

So I'm 26. And the past few weeks have given me a renewed love and faith in my family, in my friends, and in my life.

Life rules. And so who cares if I can't exactly afford a walk-in humidor...



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