

No more chicken of the sea... 

...Only chicken of the land...

'Researchers' say that if current production continues, there will be a complete collapse of the fish ecosystem and seafood will cease to exist by 2048...


Okay, I don't even want to get into all of the reasons of why I don't like snippets of studies put into mainstream media. The study is predicting the future based on static levels of production...let's just take it for what it is. We're shitting on fish and their ecosystem because of a lack of ocean property rights. We're not gonna run out of fish. I guarantee that fish and seafood are not on track to disappear as the headline claims. Okay, that's enough...it's late, and I'm tired and sober.

I'm thinking...scary study...and relatively short-term decrease in the supply of fish. So...guess I'll put my booming fishing career on hold and ready my backyard as a makeshift cattle ranch...

I think I'll name my first cow...Marshall.

I think I'll name the second one...Mr. Skittles.


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